Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tell me more, I'm fascinated...really. Go on

You don't get to meet stereotypes all the time. Well, maybe fairly often. But when you meet a guy that is on par with every single, solitary stereotype you've ever heard about a particular "breed" of guy; take the time to smell the roses and suck in every minute you can. You're one lucky lady.

My boy Jersey was every bit of that guy. Fast talking, slick, has a clever and "hey baby, get me a beer" look and feel to him. After he describes to me his sales style, he lets me in on his dating past. Pause for sales type though, this is important. Let's say for example Jersey repairs cars. Your timing belt goes out. You take your ride to Jersey. He assess the situation and comes back with a complete diagnostic workup. Not only do you need a new timing belt out, but a new transmission, alternator, dashboard component indicator light, shock/struts and a new wiper blade. Yea, that's it, a new RainX wiper blade. He is the type of guy that is going to up sell you on everything he can. Aghast of thinking how he'd spin up selling caskets. Enough about that.

Jersey shares that he is a victim of divorce. A friend of a friend said that divorce was worse for him that combat in Afghanistan. So it's got to be pretty bad. This is unfortunate. But Jersey proceeds to launch in great detail of the financials of his divorce. He spent nearly a 1/2 hour breaking down every single, line-item expense of his divorce and what the old lady is getting. Breakdown for each of (3) kids is included. Bonus. I didn't have the heart to tell him this was boring me to tears. So, instead, I tell him to go on, that I really want to know. The near comatose look on my face was not enough apparently.

A sad fact of dating these days is that guys (and girls) really don't know how to rock a first date. Highlighting your shister-like modus operandi and moaning ad nausea about how much you have to fork out every month to your ex is not sexy.

So take note gals, when you meet a stereotype like this smile. You will know his type next time and fake extreme GI issues if he asks you out.

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